Baptist Life

Acts 2:37-47 Harris Malcom, state missionary Middle Georgia Region Richard Baxter wrote, “If there be so certain and glorious a rest for the saints, why is there no more industrious …

While social media's prevalence among teenagers can be seen as a threat, research suggests it's better for ministry leaders to approach it as an opportunity to reach students. GETTY IMAGES By Morgan …

Nothing brings joy to a child's heart like gifts at Christmastime. But families living in poverty rarely have the funds to provide those items and children learn to do with as their friends relish …

Earlier this month Appalachian Mountain Ministry Director Bill Barker spoke at West Acres Baptist Church in Evans, where the church had set a goal of collecting 300 Christmas backpacks. During the …

Deaths William "Bill" Deakins died May 15 in his sleep. He was 91. Deakins served in World War II in the Naval Airforce before graduating from Brewton-Parker Junior College and Mercer University to …

Boto asks, “Is the HMS SBC adrift?”

August "Augie" Boto, interim president of the SBC Executive Committee, shared Cooperative Program statistics pointing to a disproportionate amount of giving, and receiving, from state conventions …

Couch takes a moment to reflect across his 34 years in helping win youth to Christ and then discipling them to become future leaders. Couch retired on May 31. JOE WESTBURY/Index Revivals have a way …

"Billy" Britt passed away on May 28

William Hal "Billy" Britt, 64, passed away on May 28. He had been living with PSP, a Parkinsonian brain disorder, for the past 8 years. He was born on Oct. 22, 1953. Britt graduated from Dacula High …

Justin and Sara Carter pose with their children, 4-year-old Jac and newborn Maggie. Justin will begin as senior pastor of Second Baptist Church in Cedartown on July 22. CARTER FAMILY/Special …

John Yarbrough, TMU director of Alumni Affairs and Public Policy Luke 1:68-79 We know that SIN has separated us from God. When SIN entered the world through Adam and Eve the fellowship that …

Click for larger image. A list of ordained ministers who are not currently serving as pastors and who are certified by a Georgia Baptist church or association and a list of full-time evangelists …

Johnny Gross and Aaron Webb, left, stand with the students baptized on Easter Sunday. NEWINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH/Special The statistics are well known and very sobering. In 2016, the average Georgia …

As you probably are aware, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board recently developed a wonderful relationship with Alliance Defending Freedom Church Alliance . The assistance offered to our churches is …

Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; Jason Duesing, chairman of the Resolutions Committee and Sing Oldham, vice president for convention communications and …

Messengers voted on 20 motions and 16 resolutions at the 2018 SBC Annual Meeting in Dallas. VAN PAYNE/BP By David Roach DALLAS, TX  (BP) — At an annual meeting that saw what chief …

Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear, 45, answers a question from a reportter shortly after being voted into his position by a 68.6% majority on June 12. SCOTT BARKLEY/Index DALLAS, TX …

DALLAS, TX --- A motion brought forward at the Southern Baptist Convention meeting this morning to "fully and completely defund" the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission failed by a wide …

Nearly 9,000 messengers are registered for this year's annual SBC meeting in Dallas, with registration ongoing. SBC/Special DALLAS, TX — The 2018 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention …

Men gather at the Omni Hotel in Dallas on Monday night to pray for the Southern Baptist Convention. GERALD HARRIS/Index There is nothing like an old fashioned, fervent, focused and faith-filled …

Emmanuel Baptist Church pastor Mike Stone -- bottom, center -- stands with fellow SBC Executive Committee officers voted into service by Executive Committee members June 11. Joining Stone, who was …

James Merritt spoke to the Southern Baptist Pastors' Conference last night in Dallas, TX. This is a file photo from 2016. BAPTIST PRESS/Special DALLAS, TX – James Merritt, Pastor of Cross Pointe in …

California pastor and evangelist Greg Laurie addressed a crowd stretching into the upper levels of AT&T Stadium Sunday night, June 10. SCOTT BARKLEY/Index[/caption] ARLINGTON, TX --- Evangelist …

John Yarbrough, TMU director of alumni affairs and public policy Deuteronomy 5:32-33; Galatians 3:10-25 God is holy, He is perfect, and no matter how hard we try and how good we are we …

What Youth Need from the Church

Teenagers can be a very confusing group. As a teenager, I can say that. Sure, we're awkward and strange. But, we are also the most misunderstood batch of individuals you'll …

Recent graduates of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary's Church Leadership Certificate program, operated out of the NOBTS North Georgia Hub, stand with seminary leadership. Front row, left to …

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