Baptist Life

The short answer to the title of the lesson is that we are here for God, that is, if you have a biblical worldview. Colossians 1:16 (NIV) makes that fact very clear, “For by him all things were …

Kasey McClure shared her testimony that brought about 4Sarah, an organization dedicated to helping women leave the sex industry, on the Unholy Tour May 17. Several other speakers joined McClure in …

Pastor Robbie Passmore – front row, second from right – stands on the Bleckley County Courthouse steps with other members of the Bleckley County Sheriff's Office on the National Day of Prayer, …

Children at Houston Lake Baptist Church in Perry line up for one of the day's VBS activities last summer. Nearly one fourth of the 100 children who attended made professions of faith at the three-day …

By David Roach FORT WORTH, Texas (BP) --- In a meeting that began at 1:30 p.m. May 22 and ended just after 3 a.m. May 23, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's trustees appointed Paige …

'This is not my first rodeo'

Mac Brunson, pictured with his wife Debbie, is the new pastor at Valleydale Church in Birmingham. VALLEYDALE/Facebook BIRMINGHAM — Southern Baptists from near and far have been watching and waiting …

Students at Macedonia Baptist Church in Hiawassee look to Janice Rogers for her response on the "Laurel-or-Yanny" debate Wednesday, May 16. Looking on in back is Bradley Thomas, associate pastor of …

J. Robert White speaks to the Sons of Jubal and trip participants in the chapel of New Room in Bristol. EDDY OLIVER/Worship and Music Ministry I recently returned from a concert tour of England and …

John Yarbrough, director of Alumni Affairs and Public Policy Truett McConnell University Esther 8:18, 9:20-23 I love happy endings. My wife had me watch the movie "Steel Magnolias." When we reached …

Alanna and Kyle Woodfin continue their Lego buying spree at Sugarloaf Mills in suburban Atlanta on May 11. Kyle serves as pastor of Alamo Baptist Church and founder of Legacy Outdoor Ministries . …

Army chaplains not only complete all rigorous Army trainings with men and women in uniform but also offer spiritual counsel to Army members by putting people first, providing professional care and …

The Beech Haven children's ministry performs the musical "Soul on Fire: Sharing Good News with the World." The musical's theme echoed the work of firemen. BEECH HAVEN/Special ATHENS — America’s …

Warren Baptist Church in Augusta has tablets as well as standing kiosks to make giving as convenient as possible ... as well as passing the offering plate for more traditional givers. JOHN …

John Yarbrough, director of Alumni Affairs and Public Policy Truett McConnell University Have you ever had someone doing you wrong? I am not talking about someone beating you to a parking …

First Bossier Pastor Brad Jurkovich will nominate Ken Hemphill for SBC president. From the Louisiana Baptist Messenger BOSSIER CITY (LBM) – Brad Jurkovich, the 44-year-old pastor of the First …

An Apology to God's People

Click here to read a statement released this afternoon from Paige Patterson, president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX.

Taking an early look at the new digital cadaver at Truett McConnell University are Robert S. Bowen, center, dean; and others at the Cleveland university's Pilgram Marpeck School of Science, …

Georgia Baptist Mission Board Executive Director J. Robert White, left, talks with state missioanry Maria Brannan about the Kids in the Word Summer Challenge. DULUTH — As a children's ministry …

James Lankford: Defining a call

Oklahoma Baptist Sen. James Lankford has served in Washington, DC since 2015. His current term expires in 2023. JOE WESTBURY/Index This is the second of a two-part story on Senator James Lankford …

John Yarbrough, director of Alumni Affairs and Public Policy Truett McConnell University The manner in which we stand can be as important as the reason we need to stand. We can do the right …

FORT WORTH, TEXAS — Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has initiated a Conservative Renaissance in seminaries around the world. In 1991 the Southern Baptist Convention decided to withdraw …

The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, TX will host the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting June 12-13. BP/Special DALLAS — With a theme of “Testify! Go. Stand. Speak.” the …

Estefan Sarabia (center), a member of Tierra Fertil Christian Church in Yuma, Ariz., leads two youth in prayer during the 2017 National Hispanic Fellowship meeting in Phoenix. ADAM COVINGTON/BP …

By SBC seminary staff Alumni and friends of Southern Baptists' six seminaries will gather Wednesday, June 13, in Dallas to hear updates from the campuses and renew friendships with classmates …

One of our great Georgia Baptist treasures is the Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries . I am very thankful for the leadership of Dr. Kenneth Thompson who serves as the president …

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