A humble hero


Read Acts 18:24-28. 

In Acts 18, we are told of a very gifted and accomplished orator named Apollos. He is described as “eloquent,” “mighty in Scriptures,” and “fervent in Spirit.”  

As a Jewish Christian raised in Alexandria, he was well equipped to spread the Gospel. However, he was incomplete in his knowledge of all that Jesus had done. He taught what he knew, but he didn’t know everything that he needed to know.  

That’s when he meets up with the husband and wife team of Aquilla and Priscilla. Seeing his potential, they took him aside and taught him more accurately the way of God. Fortunately, Apollos was humble enough to listen to them, and the church greatly benefited from his giftedness. The Apostle Paul would refer to Apollos several times throughout Scripture. Some even think that he was the author of the book of Hebrews.  

All of this ministry happened because Apollos was humble enough to realize that he didn’t know everything and that he could be taught by Aquilla and Priscilla. Apollos did not let pride cut him off from future opportunities to serve God.  

Have you allowed your pride to hinder your opportunities to serve God? Do you have a teachable spirit? 

humility, leadership, New Testament