Encourage others with words of faith


Scripture for today: Read Ex. 14:13-14

Sometimes it’s hard being a leader. Take Moses, for instance. He was given the task of leading the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage and into the promised land. All that stood in his way was Pharaoh and the most powerful army on the face of the earth. For this assignment, Moses was only given a shepherd’s staff and the promise of God’s presence.

True to His word, God performed miraculous signs through Moses. These signs culminated with ten devastating plagues. After Pharaoh lost his firstborn son in the final plague, he relented and released the Jewish slaves. After a short period of time, Pharaoh’s heart hardened, and he pursued the Jews in order to bring them back into captivity.

Meanwhile, Moses led the children of Israel deep into the wilderness to the Red Sea. It was at this point that Pharaoh’s army caught up with them setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation between the most powerful man on earth and the omnipotent God. Humanly speaking, Moses and the Jews didn’t have a chance. After all, they were a bunch of runaway slaves.

However, God was on their side. With the Red Sea in front of them and the army of Pharaoh behind them, Moses stepped up and spoke these words of faith to the people. “The LORD will fight for you and you shall hold your peace” (Ex. 14:14). At this point, God parted the Red Sea and the Jews walked across on dry ground. When the Egyptians followed them, God frustrated their pursuit and drowned them in the sea. The Jews were now a free people.

As a leader, do you speak words of encouragement to those who follow you? Are your words full of faith and do they point people to a God who can do anything? How could you lead better with your words?

This devotion is based on Marty McLain's book "The crown has fallen: A study of the kings of Judah."

encouragement, Exodus, faith