The Supreme Court got it wrong


The Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage is constitutional and now a “protected right” within the United States of America. This ruling alters how the government recognizes marriage going forward. In this decision the Supreme Court went against thousands of years of history and practice in defining marriage, and obviously against the teachings of the Bible.

The traditional and historical definition of marriage has always been that marriage is between one man and one woman. And in the entire history of this country the definition of marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman. Now a split vote on the Supreme Court changes the definition of marriage in America?

Many churches will not allow or participate in same-sex marriages. It is their right as faith communities to define and teach their doctrine as protected under the constitution. But, we anticipate an effort to strip churches’ non-profit status from them if they fail to accept the Supreme Court’s definition of marriage and decide not to allow same-sex ceremonies in their churches. This could be one of the next battlefronts against same-sex marriage as they attempt to force it upon faith communities like they have done against photographers and cake bakers.

Now, throughout the country same-sex marriage is unleashed and I am afraid it will be like a plague or virus. Why would I say that? Because this country was founded on the principles of faith and a commitment and pledge to God to obey His Word and honor Him.

From the Founding Fathers to the writers of the Constitution it was clear it was their intent and desire to build a country where God is honored and there is freedom of worship. Same-sex marriage not only abandons our historical values and biblical foundation; it is a turning of our back on God, once again, as a nation.

This decision could be like a plague or virus that unleashes the wrath of God on America. We are taking the very first institution that God established, which is to be between a man and a woman, and now destroyed it on the basis of political correctness and the “right to marry who I love.”

From the Founding Fathers to the writers of the Constitution it was clear it was their intent and desire to build a country where God is honored and there is freedom of worship.

Some argue that this may open the door to polygamy, marriage between three or more people, and who knows what else when you break away from God’s established decrees, such as the definition of marriage? The wrath of God will fall on America unless there is truly a great revival with deep and sincere repentance and turning back to God.

America is obviously growing more secular and losing faith. There is an obvious outright attack on Christianity in America. Our religious freedoms and opportunities of freedom of expressions are being repressed in the marketplace, the school systems of America, the military, government employment, and obviously in the courtroom.

As Christians we love all people whether heterosexual or not. We cannot accept, embrace, and endorse any lifestyle that goes against the very principles of our faith. We don’t accept extra-marital affairs, or extra-marital sex in any form or shape. The commandments of God are for our protection, benefit, and good, and ultimately for God’s blessings. When we disobey, disavow, or destroy God’s commands we will face the wrath of God.

This is a call to all who claim faith in God. It is time for you to stand up, speak out, and be heard. You are losing your country right before your eyes. Religious intolerance, especially against Christianity, is rampant today.

This was originally posted at The Brunswick News.

gay marriage, homosexuality, liberty, marriage, religious freedom, Supreme Court