Commentary: Forgetting can be a blessing


I just realized I forgot my column this morning. For the first time in 15 years, I forgot to write my column. So, here I am playing catch-up.

It’s not fun when we forget because then it puts us under pressure. If we forget our wife’s birthday or our anniversary then it makes for a pressured situation. I haven’t forgotten those but it can happen to the best of us.

Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? Have you ever forgotten to file your taxes? Maybe you have forgotten to do your homework? Sometimes it’s easy to forget because we don’t want to remember.

Maybe there are some things you can’t forget. Maybe you had a few bad dates with people you didn’t like. Maybe you had a bad marriage that you can’t forget. Maybe you had a bad job that you can’t forget. Maybe something bad happened to you that you can’t forget. Maybe you had a bad surgery or an accident that you would like to forget. There are those things in life that we can’t forget. We would like to forget them but we can’t forget them.

Some people try drinking alcohol to forget. Some try drugs to forget. Sometimes it’s impossible to forget.

Often, people will remember every bad thing you’ve ever done. Sometimes, people will bring all the bad things you’ve done up to you. A good friend will never bring up your past sins to you. A good friend will let your past mistakes rest. They won’t bring them up to you. Someone who is not your friend and maybe even an enemy will never let your past mistakes rest. They will find a way to bring them up to you every chance they have. You don’t need friends like this. Find new friends who will let your past sins be in the past.

God buries our sins to be remembered no more. Micah 7:19 says, “He will bury our sins in the depths of the sea.” When our sins are buried in the depths of the sea then they are gone. They are in the past. God doesn’t go into the sea and pull them back up to be remembered again and again.

If you have made some mistakes, put them in the past, learn from them but move on and forget about them. Let the people you love forget about their mistakes as well.

Let’s all forgive and forget.

However, I will try to remember my column next week.


Glenn Mollette is a retired pastor, newspaper columnist and the author of 11 books. Reach him at