WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Barry Loudermilk is a Constitutional Conservative who represents northwest Georgia’s 11th Congressional District in Washington. He is a Baptist, a Christian gentleman, and a faithful follower of Christ, whose values and voting record reflect a Biblical worldview.
Because of Loudermilk’s conservative voting record he was one of the recipients of The Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Friend of the Family” award in the 116th Congress, an honor acknowledging his record of protecting innocent life, strengthening American families, defending religious liberty, and standing with Israel – all key issues for conservative American Christians.
The character of the Georgia Congressman and his wife, Desiree, has been observed on numerous levels. Dallas Jenkins, the creator, director, and co-author of The Chosen, or those responsible for selecting the cast for the flim noted that both Congressman Loudermilk and his wife, Desiree, would be ideal cast members for one of The Chosen episodes, the television drama based on the life of Jesus of Nazareth. This amazing drama has already won the favor of people around the world. One viewer, Katrina Roland, commented, “The filming of The Chosen is beautiful – all of it - the casting, script, costumes, props, locations, cinematography. This show made me fall in love with Jesus again and feel in my spirit His abundant love.
Congressman Loudermilk has been given several remarkable platforms whereby he has the privilege of letting his light shine for Christ. Perhaps there is nowhere that the light of Christ, truth, and righteousness needs to shine brighter than in our nation’s capital.
In a recent interview with The Christian Index, Loudermilk stated, “The spiritual climate in the United States Congress is extremely tense. Many Christians feel marginalized and under attack.
“There is a war on the truth in America today. In John 17:17 Jesus prayed to his Father, “Your word is truth.” However, in our society so much of what we believe to be truth is being assaulted. The Declaration of Independence says, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ In other words, there are some truths that are both infallible and viable.
Congressman Loudermilk continued, “Our nation is founded on certain truths and these truths are embedded in our founding documents. John Adams addressed the Massachusetts Militia on October 11, 1798, and explained, ‘We have no Government armed with power capable of contending with human passion unbridled by morality and religion. . .. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.’
“Jesus stood for the truth even in the face of opposition. My wife, Desiree, and I have found ourselves having to do the same. We all must pray and believe that truth will ultimately prevail.
“Proverbs 14:34 tells us, ‘Righteous exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.’ This passage explains why we have unbridled crime, the presence of evil and fear gripping the hearts of Americans everywhere. Sin abounds and the government has more power than our forefathers ever intended. We must once again recover a reverence for God and a respect for one another. If one values the rights of people and the rights of personal property our destiny would become brighter, but it is impossible to fix immorality without returning to God.
“We cannot allow the progressives or the elite to determine what is acceptable. When that happens, you get into a repressive society. Someone’s fear of being offended does not surpass another person’s right to speak freely and exercise his/her freedom of religion.”
The Georgia Congressman also explained that despite the tension and friction on Capitol Hill there is a spiritual movement that is significantly at work, but “mostly under the radar.” He indicated that sixty ministries are currently active, but that it is a difficult environment for them to share the Gospel and exercise their spiritual gifts.
On Wednesdays Loudermilk attends a weekly bipartisan prayer caucus where the representatives gather to pray for others and send cards to encourage and bless the persons for whom they intercede. On Thursday the Congressman attends a bipartisan prayer breakfast. On Wednesday evenings at 9:00 o’clock a communion service is held in the Rotunda of the Capitol. Additionally, the spouses of the legislators meet on Wednesdays for a Bible study. Another ministry highlighted by the Congressman was Alabaster House - a ministry designed to shape the lives of government leaders for the purpose of leading our nation well.
There are many Christian ministries for those who represent us in the U. S. Congress, and two of them are directly supported, encouraged, and orchestrated through Congressman Loudermilk’s office: The first ministry is to the Sergeant at Arms and the Capitol Police. Representatives from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association come to Washington regularly to provide spiritual guidance, prayer, and refreshments for those who serve as the law enforcement officers in the Senate and the U. S. House of Representatives.
The second ministry group undergirded by Congressman Loudermilk’s office is Hope to the Hill. This group practices relational evangelism by presenting Christ lovingly and directly. In addition to evangelizing the lost and encouraging believers. Hope to the Hill provides an emergency prayer team for Congress as well as personal pastoral care.
Hope to the Hill recently brought Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays the part of Christ in The Chosen, to the Capitol. This year they will also bring Kirk Cameron (actor, evangelical Christian, and founder of American Campfire Revival) and Christian artists into Washington for free concerts for the members of congress and their staff.
Congressman Barry Loudermilk happens to be my congressman. I have gotten to know him and appreciate his faith in Christ, his values, and his voting record. I would encourage you to get to know your representatives in local, state, and national government and make sure they represent your values before you vote.
J. Gerald Harris is a former editor of The Christian Index.