Eric Swenson, campus minister at Georgia Tech, leads a breakout session at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Theresa Little, right, with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, greets attendees at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
The worship band performs at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
W. Thomas Hammond, Jr., executive director of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, speaks at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Attendees arrive for a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, gives the keynote speech at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
The worship band and choir perform at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Southside Baptist Network AMS Art Fulks, second from right, directs an attendee to the registration table at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Kyle Reno leads a breakout session at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Albert Mohler, left, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, speaks during a question-and-answer session moderated by Southside Baptist Network AMS Art Fulks at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Scott Sullivan, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board's discipleship catalyst, speaks during a breakout session at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, gives the keynote speech at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Albert Mohler, left, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, speaks during a question-and-answer session moderated by Southside Baptist Network AMS Art Fulks at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
An attendee receives a Mission Georgia t-shirt at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Beth Ann Williams, lead strategist for Georgia Baptist Women, leads a breakout session at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Jennifer Dooley directs a guest at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Attendees chat at the registration table at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
The worship band performs during a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)
Georgia Baptist Mission Board evangelism regional leader Brad Marchman speaks during a breakout session at a SPARK conference at Glen Haven Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga., Sunday, Aug. 25. (Index/Henry Durand)