
Have you ever thought about why a pigeon walks so awkwardly? In a devotional reading in Our Daily Bread, Martin De Haan shared a pigeon’s eyes cannot focus as it moves, so the bird actually has to bring its head to a complete stop between steps in order to focus.  The pigeon proceeds clumsily – head forward, stop, head back.

Commentary: Pride is the source of evil

Pride is possibly the one sin that God hates most. I am not talking about the pride you take in a job well done or the pride you have for your grandchildren. That kind of pride is innocent and even good. What God hates is the kind of pride in which one feels better than someone else

Commentary: 'Lord, teach us to pray'

Years ago, while meeting with a group of clergymen in London, someone asked Billy Graham what he would change if he could do his ministry over again. Without hesitation, the famed evangelist stated that he "would study three times as much as he had done, and he would give much more time to prayer.”

RANGLEY, Maine — It was the best hotdog I have ever eaten. Coney Island hotdogs, Tony’s hotdogs of Norfolk, Virginia, and the famous Tony Pacos hotdogs of Toledo, Ohio were all great hotdogs. But that hotdog, in a parking lot where the Appalachian Trail crosses on Maine Route 4, near Rangely was the best I have ever eaten.

Commentary: Watch your words

I recall the following saying from my childhood: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Though this phrase has a nice ring to it, nothing could be further from the truth. 

Doctors Bryson and Taylor (Building Sermons to Meet People’s Needs) said, “What you think about the Bible will not change what the Bible is. However, what you think about the Bible will determine the person you become.” They went on to claim, “The Bible has been uniquely inspired, marvelously preserved, and thoroughly proven.”

Commentary: When humility knocks

Robert Robinson lost his father when he was just a boy. Life in England was tough during the 18th century, and his mother realized she could not support her son by herself. The now single mother’s solution was to send Robert to London for training to be a barber. While he was there, Robinson became a Christian through the ministry of George Whitfield and dedicated himself to gospel ministry.

​It’s time for Friday Night Lights! Cheerleaders cheering, the crowd roaring, the thud of helmets and pads colliding, the ref’s shrill whistle piercing the air, the laughter and silliness in the student section, the electric atmosphere...

A woman’s right to reproductive freedom is being championed by politicians, Planned Parenthood, The Brigid Alliance, Reproductive Freedom for All (formally NARAL), the National Abortion Federation, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Democratic Socialists of America, the Democratic Party, Republicans for Choice, Party for Socialism and Liberation, The Libertarian Party, the Green Party of the U. S., Joy of Satan Ministries and many other political, professional and religious organizations.

2 Chronicles 7:14 has been the subject of thousands of sermons over the years.  I have several that employ 2 Chron. 7:14 among the more than two thousand sermons that are saved on my computer.  It is a seminal passage that, if followed, would make a distinct difference in the way our world looks today.

Commentary: Mere preaching

Preaching the Word of God is a true calling and should be undertaken with total effort and the utmost seriousness. Some people preach for selfish reasons or personal gain.

Commentary: The dangers of God’s grace

Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within; Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin!  The lyrics of this old hymn were as familiar to me as the pulpit from which my pastor preached in my home church.

Churches with successful Sunday School and small-group ministries seem have a good understanding of the following six key areas. These churches are consistently working to evaluate and adjust in these areas to ensure success.

Two psychiatrists reconnected at their 20th class reunion. One looked as though he had just graduated. The other appeared, as the expression goes,  “rode hard and put up wet.” Though the same age as his colleague, he looked much older — wrinkled and worn.

During the long life God has so graciously given me, I spent more than seven years formally studying and earning college degrees in science and theology. However, the most important thing I know is what I learned as a knuckle-headed teenager. And that most important fact can be expressed in a mere two words: “Jesus saves.”

Did you hear about the brick layer who asked for a day off?

Since the Ancient Egyptians, incubators have been used to warm eggs to the hatching stage. The idea is that a warm comfortable environment can provide the atmosphere needed to bring the egg to maturity and see the birth of new life.

I have always been a fan of the Olympic games - until this year. In fact, I was privileged to attend some of the competitions in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada, and the 2012 Summer Games in London, England.

The unprecedented nature of the upcoming presidential election cannot be overstated. In one corner you have a former president, Donald J. Trump, who lost his previous reelection bid and survived a recent assassination attempt. In the other stands a replacement candidate, Kamala Harris, who garnered a meager sixth-place finish in her 2020 presidential run before signing on as Joe Biden’s running mate.

 Returning to my hometown recently to visit family, I was glad to hear my brother say that he wanted us to attend church with him. He had spoken fondly about the congregation on numerous occasions and now my family would get to experience it firsthand along with his. 

Do you have someone you hope to meet again in heaven? Several friends and loved ones come to mind as I think about the place Jesus referred to as Paradise. Great-grandparents, grandparents, church members, and a childhood hero that I admired are just a few of the friendly faces I cannot wait to see in eternity.

I have said, and I reaffirm, that being born again (saved by trusting in Christ Jesus) is the single most important thing any person can ever do on this earth.

Several years ago, while serving in North Georgia, I made visits one hot Spring afternoon. I drove to the home of a lady who visited the previous Sunday. She lived a mile or two off the main highway. I located her house, knocked on her door, and no one answered. I left my card with a note, returned to my car and noticed a loud hissing sound. My tire was going flat.

When I was in elementary school—it was either the sixth or seventh grade—my classmates elected me to fight a boy named Johnny because he supposedly was picking on smaller kids.  It was almost an honor.

Commentary: Who is God in your life?

On a recent Sunday, Connie and I were able to attend our home church together and reconnect with some of our friends. We heard a great sermon from Dr. Andy McDonald, who is serving as our interim pastor while we search for our next pastor.  

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